Ending the Rape Culture #Sexual Violence
Twelve ways to end the rape culture
- Know your rights: You have rights to your body and the right to change your mind and communicate your choice assertively: No means NO
- Report acts of sexual violence or threats to law enforcement. Impunity is one of the reasons it continues to fester
- Hold your friends, co-workers, and others around you accountable for their behavior and interrupt vulgar disrespectful behavior or language that you witness.
- Reframe sexual violence to be not as “women’s issues,” but as “everyone’s issues.”
- Never make assumptions – Always ask for consent and know your partner’s boundaries when engaging in sexual activities.
- Talk with others about sexual violence issues and examples of rape culture that you notice.
- Speak against media’s objectification of women and their promotion of the rape culture
- Identify and eliminate “sanitizing language” that removes or absolves the perpetrator from the dialogue by only focusing on the victim.
- For example, rephrase: “Jubril raped Maryam,” instead of “Maryam was raped by Jubril,”
“Maryam was raped,” means “Maryam is a rape victim.” The focus of your language should be on Jubril as the perpetrator rather than Maryam as the victim
- Do not trivialize sexual violence or laugh at jokes that make light of rape and other acts of sexual violence
- Encourage people, (especially men) in your sphere of influence to proactively stop the rape culture.
- Encourage survivors to speak out.
- Hold government and business owners accountable to institute laws and policies that protect vulnerable persons against sexual violence